
Hello Boris,

Thank you for your fiery reply to this posting. First let me point out that the argument you are making is not the Subject of this interview nor any interview I have ever giving nor any postings I have ever published. It's an odd stance to throw into the middle of a comment thread and seems to be a distraction from the topic at hand (either intentionally or unintentionally on your part) but all the same, I am happy to address it.

With regard to "hate everything China-- for our own sins" let me be clear (again). I don't hate China, the Chinese people and certainly not "everything China". I actually love the traditional Chinese culture, have made several valiant but utterly doomed attempts to learn Mandarin and Simplified Chinese, and, of course, love Chinese cuisine. But make no mistake: I HATE the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), all that it stands for, and all who support the CCP...not for my sins but for theirs. (In my opinion, any decent person takes responsibility for and deals with their own sins rather than affixing them to an external entity for blame and eventual absolution).

As for your statement regarding the US being the ONLY aggressor, I would recommend writing a well-sourced essay that proves your point based on your argument that "The US is the ONLY aggressor in the China-US tensions:". If you write it I am happy to read it and respond in kind. I DO think the US is AN aggressor (in almost every relationship we are involved in that turns sour or hostile) but not the ONLY aggressor. But if you believe I am wrong than prove that I am wrong.

As a final note, remember that this is debate, not argument. Their is nothing personal here just two people debating their stances on a certain subject in a respectful (and hopefully educational) manner. So if anything I write comes across as a personal attack or just plain rude, please contact me for clarification as that is never my intent.

I hope you write something up and if so, I look forward to reading it and providing feedback.

Thank you again for your comments in this thread.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Brian O'Shea

Thank you and -- about new and 51st US state:

Jacob Dreizin – March 16 -- https://thedreizinreport.com/2023/03/15/silicon-valley-bank-and-donetsk/

As for the Nazism, they can’t avoid it.

A Short History of Ukraine State

The Ukraine is a historically new construction. Until the late 19th century, the Ukraine was merely a region, and 100% of its inhabitants, the Ukrainians, or Rusyns (Ruthenians) as they were called in areas under Austria at that time, considered that their language, or whatever regional dialect they spoke, was Russian (“Russka mova”), and they had zero political awareness or identity separate from Russia (with the exception of the Zaporozhian Cossacks, who were Cossacks, not as presently described, “Ukrainian Cossacks”, LOL.)

The concept of a “Ukrainian language” and the associated identity was constructed in areas under Austrian rule (parts of Galicia and Volhynia), with Austrian support and state financing, immediately after the local iteration of the 1848 revolutions, as a way to quell pro-Russian irredentism among landowners and the Russian Orthodox church in the region. From here on, the Galician literary dialect was also set as the “one and only” Ukrainian language, similar to how the dialect of Florence became “standard Italian.”

Due to Russia’s backwardness, the Russian Empire was unable to standardize its linguistic landscape in the same manner as the Germans and French had largely done by prior to World War 1, or World War 2 at the latest. That process requires compulsory schooling and mass literacy, which Russia did not have until Soviet days. Hence, by the time of the Russian Revolution, the Galician Ukrainist movement had been able to gain some marginal but elite following throughout all territories that spoke Ukrainian dialects rather than “Great Russian.”

This was subsequently channeled, with the Russian collapse of 1917-1918, into the formation of the Ukrainian breakaway state. After this was put down by the Bolsheviks (first and foremost, Ukrainian urban Bolsheviks from Kharkov and what’s today called Donetsk), it again came to life under German rule with the Galician-based Banderist movement.

Most Ukrainians did not vote for independence from the USSR in 1991, but the republic was abandoned by Yeltsin, and thus, had independence thrust upon it. There was a general lack of enthusiasm for the state, a lack of understanding as to its purpose, especially as by this time, almost all Ukrainian citizens spoke Russian as their language of work, at least, and among well over half of the population, of the home as well. In short, there was a near-total ideological vacuum.

The only people who had an ideology… were, well, guess who.

Today, excepting the far northwest, with its dominant Greek Catholic church, the Ukraine is still so similar to Russia (culturally there is ZERO difference)…..

…..that the ONLY way any Ukrainian leadership can aim to make its state distinct, to justify its own rule, is to invent a completely fictitious, phony history of some coherent, historical “Ukraine” that never existed (their school history textbooks are a RIOT)…..

…..and to adopt a “supremacist”, Russian-exclusionist approach and ideology. Like, “We’re not Russian goddamn it, we were never Russian, we will cut the Russian out of us, perhaps slowly, perhaps quickly if we can, but we’ll get rid of it, because the Ukraine isn’t big enough for minorities or two nationalities, so, someone needs to get steamrolled.”

In short, fascism.

The Ukrainian state (under German protection) of 1918, and then again with the Banderist movement (again under German protection, or benign neglect at least) during WW2 and then in exile… were explicitly fascistic. The former, even before the term existed.

I wrote last summer or so, that any independent Ukrainian entity will ALWAYS arrive at fascism as its governing ideology. It just took much longer this time (since 1991), in part because of the dominance of Russian cultural and professional media (and the difficulty in re-Ukrainizing in the absence of a sufficient written base and professional need) and the enormous cross-border family bonds left over from Soviet days.

But, it happened.

Obviously, Uncle Sam has taken advantage of this to establish his 51st state on the territory of the former Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

Obviously, the majority of Ukrainian officials, educators, etc., are just there to get paid. Like people everywhere, they go along and are not driving the ideology.

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It's clear that the Covid virus was made in both the US and China, with funding from both. However, in this interview we just didn't have time to get there...which is why I should probably shoot a video solo so I can control the clock...though I do appreciate Dr Drew's hosting me.

And yes, hatred...but not of China, of the Chinese Communist Party...I would like to see the CCP completely destroyed and it's leadership executed in a public square...they are a crime syndicate, not a government and their violations of human rights against even their own citizens is horrific and disgusting at an unprecedented level.

Regarding Prof Sachs, I know his work well and respect his willingness to speak about his mind regardless of the outcome (I saw a video where the show actually killed the broadcast), but I don't agree it was solely the work of the US, everything supports that this was a joint effort. Happy to compare notes as maybe I am missing something? I really get more from collaboration than not. Thank you for your comments, welcome to hear more and check out any research you'd be willing to share👍

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Thank you !! Prof. Jeffrey Sachs states that he is “pretty convinced [COVID-19] came out of US biotechnology lab” and warns that there is dangerous virus research taking place without public oversight.

“Why the Chair of the Lancet’s COVID-19 Commission Thinks The US Government Is Preventing a Real Investigation Into the Pandemic”


Prof. Jeffrey Sachs is the Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and the President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. He has also served as the chair of the COVID-19 commission for leading medical journal the Lancet.

Through his investigations as the head of the COVID-19 commission, Prof. Sachs has come to the conclusion that there is extremely dangerous biotechnology research being kept from public view, that the United States was supporting much of this research, and that it is very possible that SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, originated through dangerous virus research gone awry.

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Thanks - fyi - Here is an interesting video of Gigi Graham sharing family history; she mentions her mother Ruth's time in China and North Korea @3:37 minutes. https://www.c-span.org/video/?443279-1/billy-graham-cove

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Who is that defector? What is her REAL story?


• The Drums Of War With China Are Beating Much Louder Now -- https://substack.com/inbox/post/108056126

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by Brian O'Shea

Bravo -- but also full of China hatred - WHY ??

Another brave US patriot, Prof. Jeffrey Sachs maintains that Covid-19 was designed in a US lab !!

Why is that likelihood NEVER even mentioned ????

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