
Sorry I don't get my findings out as quickly as my wife, Naomi Wolf, but that is mainly because my leads come from active legal cases on which I volunteer my investigative services so I have to get clearance from lawyers to publish these "legally inoculated" versions. That said, most of the things I write about may have legal actions affiliated with them against bad actors like Jha, so that's a good thing. And yes, BirdyB, I agree with you: this man, though not technically a criminal (I wouldn't want to get sued for libel) does seem to be operating outside of his oath as a doctor and at the direction of the Biden Administration's political strategy team. So as I dig deeper, anything that shows a violation of that oath can effect his licensing and may also open him up for civil lawsuits in the near future. No promises, but these people are never that careful due to hubris. When I find those weak spots, I strike and I strike hard.

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What I would say to Dr Jha this moment is that I think he is criminal to keep this BS going. There is no 'good' end to it, anywhere. I am a Boomer - a happy, unvaccinated one. BUT it is going to be very hard to watch those I've grown with over these years move on before me.... there is going to be a reconning - and I will watch only the first minute of I, then I will continue forward with my life. I'm thinking a island way out there, somewhere.... a couple of packets of seeds, a couple of cases of chef boyardee, and some hammers. It would make for such good stories from the reporters there!

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