"The Left’s Activist Architecture & Plans to Try To Take Power Back"
Target list from Tonight's Episode of "INVESTIGATE EVERYTHING" (EP 250206 on DailyClout.io's Rumble)
Episode Introduction and Summary Below: (Full Episode on DailyClout.io’s Rumble)
Intelligence Targeting List from Tonight's Episode of "INVESTIGATE EVERYTHING"
Special thanks to Natalie G. Winters, the Bannon’s War Room’s White House correspondent for breaking the story about “Indivisible”. Please follow her work on X https://x.com/nataliegwinters
The “Left” (including the Democratic Party, RINOs, Activists, Marxists, Marxist-Activists, Socialists, Communists, and even some Maoists) never rest and they are already in the streets laying the groundwork to win (or steal) back power in 2025, 2026, and 2028. On Investigate Everything Episode 250206 ( part of the DailyClout family of shows) I explain what I have discovered so far in this latest investigation and why it is important that you have this intelligence to combat them.
The Left might be annoying, seemingly (and actually) insane, and even melodramatic, but make no mistake: they are relentless and are highly organized. We cannot rest for a minute because they are not. And admittedly, they are doing what I would do: they are copying the winning model of the MAGA movement.
This includes a “Precinct-like” strategy, small groups staying in their prescribed lanes, and even an attempt to rebrand one of their veteran activist leaders as a “Steve Bannon” figure (though this Bannon Doppelganger falls horribly short, at least as a man). So tune into this important episode and bring your ideas how to fight this largely unnoticed momentum that the Left is building…because they have outflanked us before, and they can do it again…if we let them. We are Investigating Everything and getting the only intelligence that matters in combat: the actionable kind. Get off the couch…this war is far from over.
Intelligence Targeting List from Tonight's Episode of "INVESTIGATE EVERYTHING":
Intel Target 1: “INDIVISIBLE”
“Indivisible” (who are ironically VERY divisive!): Neo-Marxist Strategic Planners (They are mimicking the “Precinct Strategy” and Steve Bannon’s “War Room”…keep a close eye on them and please share with me through brian@dailyclout.io any alarming findings, upcoming events/protests/marches/strategies they are planning. And share them with each other. For you military people this is the equivalent of a J2/J3/J5/J6/J7/J8 (I hate to use Wikipedia…but this is a decent overview with viable sources cited to learn more about these function in a traditional military sense: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joint_Chiefs_of_Staff#cite_note-jcs.mil-38 )
Intel Target 2: “Refuse Fascism”
Serves mainly as the mouthpiece, message amplifiers, propaganda operations etc. They are connected to Vigil For Democracy, LLC and Bob Avakian’s Revcoms (see below). They also act as organizers for the tactical organizers for street protests and all other disruptive, real-world actions. They will be pushing the propaganda of “bread and eggs”…meaning they will be undermining the MAGA/Center voters faith in the Trump Admin by pointing to the price of groceries staying high. More to follow on countering that messaging. Refuse Fascism (refusefascism.org) Sidenote: Ironically they sound very fascist…just sayin’
https://refusefascism.org/category/coco-das/ For you military people this is the equivalent of a “propaganda G2”: https://ndupress.ndu.edu/Portals/68/Documents/jfq/jfq-56/jfq-56_89-93_Paddock%20Jr.%20.pdf?ver=ysosaC1x-evXDXOxJOkcMA%3D%3D#:~:text=In%20his%20Munitions%20of%20the,U.S.%20Air%20Force
Intel Target 3: “REVCOMS”
….and finally…the old school, crazy Communists….REVCOMS… '“Revolution Communist Party, USA”. Revcom.us.
Think of these people as the infantry….mass numbers that span multiple generations and demographics. They have no chance of achieving their goal of essentially destroying the current system of government. However, they do have a lot of loyal real-world and virtual-world followers. Bob Avakian, Revcom’s founder, is constantly appearing on other Marxist/Communist oriented platforms, especially Refuse Fascism. They will debate with you so if you do want to disrupt them, hijack the conversations online and in person with some clever filibustering! (https://revcom.us/en).
This is the equivalent of a hybrid of Propaganda G4 and J8 for regular troops (older revolutionaries). In a nutshell, if Indivisible were Lenin/Stalin, Revcom would be closer to Marx/Trotsky.
Key Intelligence Questions (“KIQ”s) for all targets listed:
Who are and were currently on the staff of each?
From who or whom and how do they get funded?
Does the majority of their funding originate with the following (within 2 degrees of separation):
Other (Domestic)
Other (International)
Do any of the above organizations share any of their key personnel or staff?
What is there main target in terms of opposition? (i.e. Cause, Entity, Individual, Policy, etc)
Happy Hunting! If inclined, please share any well sourced, finished intelligence with me at brian@dailyclout.io and, if well sourced, I may incorporate it in the next episode that covers this topic. Thank you! We are the Patriots’ CIA now.
Please also sign up for updates and incredibly informative shows on DailyClout! Without the hard work and dedication to liberty of my wife and Daily Clout’s CEO, Dr. Naomi Wolf, Investigate Everything would not be here!
Brian....I could not locate the clip of Natalie Winters speaking about Indivisible but if this is the Indivisible group that started in CA to stop Trump from getting elected we here in TN have the TN Chapter of Indivisible former leader now in our state legislature. Her name is Aftyn Behn. And a Senator Heidi Campbell that was endorsed by Indivisible.